Energy Transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean, ARPEL publication
The association, of which TEMA is a Member Company, is committed to further the Energy Transitions process in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

ARPEL, the Regional association of Oil Gas and Biofuels Sector Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean, of which the TEMA LITOCLEAN Group is part, has published a document that analyzes the energy situation globally and, more specifically, in the regions of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).
The publication´s title is “Energy Transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)”. The oil and gas industry’s role of is based on information obtained from the International Energy Agency (IEA), the World Energy Council (WEC, 2018) and the Sustainable Development Goals (UN, 2016), including those marked by the Kyoto protocol (UNFCCC, 1998) and the Paris agreement (UNFCCC, 2015). It analyzes the role of energy companies in the transition process towards cleaner energies and establishes ARPEL's commitment to collaborate in furthering the Energy Transitions process in LAC. This is based on precepts such as GHG emissions reduction, and support for the technologies’ development and implementation, such as carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS).
The objective is twofold: reducing GHG emissions in a cost-effective way and, at the same time, meeting society's energy demand without problems of energy supply intermittency, storage and density. To achieve this and meet the Sustainable Development Goals’ expectations, as well as the Paris Agreement, public-private partnerships will be necessary.
Whit this in mind, ARPEL is committed to:
- Cooperate with key stakeholders to support the transitions to a more sustainable energy system with lower GHG emissions, and to advance the economic and social development of the countries in LAC.
- Ensure the universal access to reliable and affordable oil and its products, natural gas and biofuels required for the development in the Region during the Energy Transitions process.
- Work towards GHG emissions reduction by incorporating technology, best practices and developing energy efficiency projects.
- Collaborate in the development of effective national, regional and global approaches to pricing oil and gas industry GHG emissions.
- Work together with key stakeholders to achieve consistent and comprehensive Energy Transitions and an effective regional energy integration, aiming at improving energy security and access, making it more equitable and sustainable.
- Cooperate with key stakeholders to exchange experiences and knowledge on technological innovation to support the Energy Transitions.
- Work together with governments and other stakeholders to assist in the effective deployment of CCUS in the transition to a lower GHG emissions economy.
Concisely, the document posits an excellent contribution of ARPEL for the development of a road map for Energy Transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean, and TEMA subscribes as a member of the association and a consultancy expert in Environmental issues.